
Thursday, January 31, 2019

16. People Don't All Want the Same Stuff

16.   People don’t all want the same stuff; so keep it moving.

Remind yourself that everyone don’t want the same stuff.  We all don’t have the same taste or desires.  We all don’t have the same favorite color, or like the same foods.  The people who like what you are serving will find you.  Build your clientele, one client at a time.  Cater to their individual need, and make them feel special every time. 

So, let’s keep it moving!

15. There Are Enough People/Customers in the World

15.  There are enough people/customers in the world, there’s no need to sweat the small stuff, just keep it moving.

Don’t get caught up in the world of competition.  Compete only with yourself, and improving your product or service. Stay focused on you and the path that you’re on.  Work for one customer at a time.  The word will get out about your product or service, and the customers will find you. 

So many people are caught up with “competition” and they sometimes do the unconscionable in order to gain or keep a customer.  Some will attempt to sabotage others because of their insecurity.  Here is the thing; there are enough people in the world, and they all don’t want the same products or services.  

Don’t sweat the small stuff; just keep it moving.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

14. People who Cheat to Win, Have Lost

14.  People who cheat to win, have lost, so just keep it moving

It’s sad that so many people feel the need to cheat in order to “win”.  This is so not necessary!  When they do this they cheat themselves out of so much.  They cheat themselves out of the satisfaction of winning honestly and knowing what that actually feels like.  Even losing courageously is more satisfying than winning by cheating.  The beauty in losing courageously is that we can learn from our mistakes, while the cowardly cheater won’t see the need to get better. 

There are some who steal from others, and think they’ve won.  When they steal from anyone, they’re basically stealing from themselves, because they stole trust and their own self-respect.  The person(s) they stole from will never recommend them for anything, because they’re now in the untrustworthy category, so right there they’ve lost.

This is why we cannot worry about cheating people; we just have to keep it moving.   

Monday, January 28, 2019

13. It's Scary As Heck to Jump

13.   It’s scary as heck to jump, but we can’t play it safe and expect the change we want.  We just have to jump and keep it moving.

Even Neo fell the first time.  However, once he began to believe in himself, he didn’t have to think about jumping. He just leapt from one building to another.  Ha, he even learnt to fly (wink, wink).  It is so with us.  We have to believe in ourselves in order to complete the jump.  No one can jump for us.  We have to do it for ourselves.  

Just like the scene in the movie where Trinity leapt from building to building while being chased by agents, those who were witnessing it, said, “Impossible!”  The ones watching you are also thinking or saying, “Impossible!”  However, it’s only impossible to them because they’re afraid to take that leap.

Let your dreams chase you into your destiny.  Jump and keep it moving!

Sunday, January 27, 2019

12. Take that Leap of Faith

This is probably one of the most difficult things to do.  It requires "belief" in self and in our dream(s).  It requires strength to stay the course, and not abandon ship during the not so pleasant seasons.

12.   Sometimes, you have to take that leap of faith, without a parachute and just keep it moving.

Now this is some crazy faith. Matrix fans, do you remember Neo’s first jump scene? It’s so very symbolic of our leap of faith.  The journey of Neo in the movie is one of faith.  There was something that he knew he needed, but he needed to be around his "tribe" and be pushed into his destiny by circumstances.  It was fight or die.  It wasn't until he began to believe in himself that he was able to make the jump without even thinking.  It's the same for us.

Take that leap of faith, believe and keep it moving.

11. Learn to Encourage Yourself

Our generation was taught to not pat ourselves on the back, and to not brag, so this is a little hard for us.  

11.  Learn to encourage yourself and keep it moving.  This is important, especially if you’re an entrepreneur.

When no one’s around, we have to encourage ourselves.  We have to be our own cheerleader.  We have to clap for ourselves, and pat ourselves on the back at times. Everyone has their life to live and is busy doing the best they can, so they’re not always going to be there.  Also, not everyone understands the dream, and are able to capture the vision in order to help us.  It’s ok!  

Be your own encourager, and keep it moving.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

10. Not Everyone is Going to Like You

10.  Not everyone is going to like you, it’s ok, just keep it moving.

This is fact. No explanation necessary!  

Remember to like, love and have fun with you, and keep it moving...

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

9. We All Have Chief Encouragers

9.  The friends who encourage you to start your business or write your book, aren’t necessarily going to spend with you, don’t take it personally.  Their assignment may simply be “encourager” in chief in that season, so keep it moving.

Ok, yeah, this! We all have chief encouragers in our life; that is their assignment.  They are to help jumpstart us into that next level of life, so don’t be mad because they didn’t make any purchases, or show any more support to your business or your new adventure.  Their assignment is complete in that season.  

Thank them for their encouragement and keep it moving.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

8. Cry If You Have To

Life can be challenging and hurtful with many twists and turns, highs and lows.  It's Ok!!!  Stay the course.  

8.  Hey, cry if you have to, it’s cleansing for the soul, just remember to keep it moving.  

Crying is good for the soul.  Cry and get the sadness or depressed feelings out of your system.  Sometimes, all we need is a good cry, and then the sadness evaporates. Have you ever experienced that?  You cried, and cried and then when you were done, and you’ve gotten it out of your system, you feel so much better, that you wondered why you were sad in the first place?  All of it is ok.  It’s not a weakness.  It’s cleansing that works wonders.

Have a good cry and keep it moving.  

Sunday, January 20, 2019

7. If You’re Depressed, It’s OK!

We are hoarders of all things that makes us happy.  We want to remain in that space forever and sadly that’s not how life works.  This is probably why so many people get addicted to drugs and other stimulants, because they found “something” that made them feel happy, so they try to remain in that constant state of happiness, which isn’t supposed to be.  Then the inevitable happens, the sadness or all the “bad” feelings hit everyone around.

7.  If you’re depressed, it’s ok!  It’s part of life, just don’t stay there, shake yourself and keep it moving.

I understand that there are different levels of depression.  There is the extremely severe kind, where professional help is needed (I’m not referring to that kind here).  However, there are some that are attached to the monthly cycle, peri-menopause or menopause (for women) that may be associated with hormonal levels.  Some are linked to the end of something that makes us sad or depressed.  It’s ok. It’s life.  No, you’re not crazy!  No, you don’t need antidepressants; you just need to find that happy space again.  Do some positive self talk, read a book, find some comedy on television and laugh your head off.  

Take sometime for yourself, by yourself and find your happy, and let’s keep it moving.

Friday, January 18, 2019

6. Don’t Allow Anyone to Get the Best of You

6.  Don’t allow anyone to get the best of you, their offense isn’t against you, it’s against self, so just keep it moving

Many times we project our own internal struggles onto others.  The thing we often hate in others is merely a reflection of ourselves.  Hurting people, hurt people! So, can you imagine what loving people can do?  Loving people, love people!  Don’t allow the negative behaviors of others change you, or change the way you treat others.  The beauty in this is that we can bring balance to us, and our world, by offsetting their negativity with our positivity.

So, let’s keep it moving...

Thursday, January 17, 2019

5. Share Your Affirmations

Sharing is caring.  So many times I’ve shared daily affirmations/inspirations with others only to learn later how much they have helped.
5.  Share Your Affirmations or Daily Inspirations with Others, You Might Just be Helping Someone Else, and Keep it Moving

When we help others, we in turn help ourselves.  It’s the boomerang effect.

So remember to share your affirmations/inspirations and keep it moving...

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

4. Have Daily Affirmations

I added this to the list because it's something that I do daily and serves as a reminder to always search for something inspiring that serves to make me a better person, so that I can share the best of me with others.

4.  Have Daily Affirmations.  Write Your Own or Find Some That You Like and Read Aloud and Keep it Moving.

Happiness or sadness begins with a thought (everything begins with a thought).  If we dwell on sad, depressing thoughts that’s where we will stay. Having daily inspirations/affirmations are crucial to our happiness.  They act as motivators for those days when it’s difficult finding the positives in life.  We all have those days, when we’re so tired of disappointments, of all the nonsense that comes with living that we sometimes find it hard to motivate ourselves. Don’t stay in that space.  Find daily affirmations or inspirational quotes. Save the ones that speak to your soul.  Pinterest is a good place to find affirmations or inspirational quotes.  If you can’t find any, write your own.  Think about what you would like to say to you, and go from there.

When you’re done inspiring and affirming yourself, remember to keep it moving...

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

3. Stay Positive!

I have to remind myself of this EVERY day!

3.  Stay Positive!  Sometimes it’s hard, but try anyway and keep it moving

Oh my word, staying positive!  This, my dear, must be practiced all day, every day.  It's definitely not easy, especially with all that's going on in the world.  We all go through seasons where it seems so easy to be positive and other times we struggle to get a good thought out.  

Remember, it’s a whole lot easier to stay positive when things are going the way we want it, but as soon as things start going off track, from the way we designed it, we find it hard to think, much less to think good/positive thoughts.  When there’s money flowing, it’s very easy to be positive, but when the finances aren’t flowing, then that’s a whole other story.  Don’t beat yourself up about it.  Just shake yourself and try again.  Learn to encourage yourself, because many times the people you were there for aren’t going to be there for you.  

Hey, it’s ok to talk to yourself! Speak good things to you, about you, for you.

You got this!  Stay positive and keep it moving...

Monday, January 14, 2019

2. Love Yourself

Yes, I had to remind myself to do this.  Loving self isn’t easy, and many times we just go through life putting everything and everyone above this action.  What does it mean to love self?  It means accepting all of who we are.  It means taking time to take a personal assessment of our life and getting to the soul of the matter of our self-doubts, and self-sabotaging/destructing habits, so that we can stop repeating them.  We have to learn to love self regardless of the opinion of others.  We have to learn to be okay with us, with all of our being. It’s hard work.  I think it’s harder to have a relationship with self, than it is to have a relationship with someone else, because we have to deal with the cold, hard truths about ourselves, even if they’re ugly and we don’t want to see or acknowledge them.

2.  Love Yourself and Keep It Moving

Love requires us to be truthful with ourselves, about ourselves (all of who we are).  If we cannot do this, we cannot be truthful with others and the lies and the hurt becomes a vicious cycle, because hurt people, hurt people. Sadly, at an early age, we were taught to hate others and ourselves.  We were taught, that certain behaviors were bad, and because others or we engaged in some of these behaviors, we are bad and don’t deserve love or kindness.  This then allowed us to create an internal war that is projected externally upon all we meet.

Loving ourselves is so much deeper than just saying, "I love me!"  Let's learn to acknowledge our truths and be happy with all of who we are, the good, the bad, and the ugly.  There are positives and negatives in this world, and they are all needed to solve problems and create harmony.   

Let's be kind to ourselves and the world.  Love you and keep it moving...

Sunday, January 13, 2019

1. Live, Love And Laugh A Lot...

The latter part of 2018 I wrote my 50 keep it moving life lessons.  I shared it on Facebook and a friend suggested that I expound upon each and share.  I decided to start here, and prayerfully they’re able to help someone else.  Every now and then I have to revisit to remind myself to keep it moving, because I don’t know about you, but sometimes things throw me for a loop and I stop dead in my tracks.  It usually takes me a little bit of time to shake myself and get going again.

1. Live, Love And Laugh A Lot And Keep It Moving

This seems so easy to do doesn’t it?  Live, Love And Laugh, but some days it’s hard.  Living can be challenging, especially, with all that life sometimes demand from us.  Sometimes, we take it way too seriously, and forget to live, love or laugh.

A friend once told me, “Life is too serious to take seriously.”  I guess it stuck with me because it seemed so puzzling at first (I was much younger then).  Actually, my initial thought was, “That’s a bunch of BS and cop out!”  But, if we really stop to think about it, it simply means that we should find the humor in the seriousness and flip the script.  Enjoy every moment, because at the end of the day, it isn’t serious at all.  Nothing really is!!!  We make it serious.  We have certain expectations that we place upon others, and when expectations are not met, we are disappointed and hurt, causing the ripple effect of not living, not loving, and not laughing. 

In this new season, let’s learn to let things go quickly, so that we are able to live, love, and laugh a lot and keep it moving.  Life is too beautiful to not be doing this!

So, let’s Live, Love and Laugh A lot and Keep it Moving...